Size Size wrote:
Gw mau berkomentar lg sedikit mengenai bro2 sekalian yang menerima hasil tes HIV "non reactive" supaya tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman!
Memang benar non reactive bisa dikatakan negative asal tes diambil 3 bulan setelah eksposure, tapi hati-hati... bagi yang merasa tes diambil dalam jangka waktu <3 bulan, harap segera menghubungi dokter yang dipercaya!
Kenapa? karena "non reactive" berarti tubuh pernah kontak dengan virus HIV dan membentuk antibodi, sehingga tubuh masih bisa menangkal efek viruz! Dalam masa ini masih bisa dikatakan negative! Tp kl antibodi dah lemah dan viruz makin kuat, bisa jadi masuk tahap window period! Index angka dalam hasil tes adalah tingkat antibodi yang terbentuk, semakin tinggi semakin beresiko untuk masuk ke tahap window ataupun reactive! Karena itu jika mendapat hasil "non reactive".
selain segera menghubungi dokter, terapkan juga pola hidup sehat, dan jangan sampai melakukan perbuatan beresiko kembali! Kalau tes diambl setelah 3 bulan bisa dibilang negative, karena selama proses pertempuran antara antibodi dan HIV berlangsung, lama kelamaan terjadi set point antara viruz dan antibodi (yang berlangsung +/- 3 bulan).
Setelah itu terjadi fluakst, dimana level viruz yang lebih dari antibodi atau sebaliknya! Kalau level viruz diatas antibodi, maka bisa saja kita masuk tahap window atau reactive! Tapi kalau hasilnya tetap "non reactive" maka viruz itu diam, dan tidak menginfeksi tubuh karena terbungkus oleh antibodi! Viruz yang sudah terbungkus tidak akan menginfeksi tubuh ataupun menularkan ke orang lain, dengan catatan :
- Virus tidak bertemu virus sejenis (HIV)! Jika tubuh kontak lg dengan HIV, maka virus HIV yg masuk akan merusak antibodi yang membungkus viruz lama, dan akhirnya viruz tersebut bersatu!
- Terkena penyakit yang merusak limfosit dan fungsi hati seperti hepatitis, dsb! Mungkin inilah yang menyebabkan kasus dimana orang telah di tes 1 tahun lalu dengan hasil negative tetapi tiba2 terkena HIV dan Hepatitis C bersamaan!
Pemicu viruz tersebut tentu saja Hepatitis C! Karena itu bagi yang menerima hasil "non reactive", kalian bisa dibilang diberi kesempatan terakhir untuk bertobat, jangan sekali-kali mengulangi perbuatan beresiko, karena tubuh kalian sudah rapuh terhadap HIV dan PMS lain, bahkan dalam tahap ini kondom tidak lagi efektive mengurangi resiko!
Hasil non reactive bisa diobati dan diusahakan untuk menjadi negative, atau minimal tetap non reactive! (dengan catatan kita tidak berada dalam masa window period, karena kalau tubuh dalam window period, hasil tes antibodi bisa saja bias)!
Bagi yang merasa melakukan perbuatan beresiko, segera periksakan diri anda sebelum terlambat! Semua komentar ini gw ambil dari referensi beberapa Dokter! Mungkin dalam hal ini bro2 sekalian bisa menanggapi! Mohon maaf sekiranya lancang, gw menulis ini untuk kebaikan kita semua! Terima Kasih.
Pram Lonely Dude wrote:
Dear Size,
Penjelasannya sangat baik dan akurat. bagi teman-teman yang masih bingung, penjelasan sederhananya seperti ini. Tes HIV yang dilakukan dii Indonesia adalah tes yang berusaha mencari antibody yang muncul setelah badan kita terinfeksi virus. Biasanya antibodi ini terbentuk 3 hingga 5 bulan setelah terinfeksi.
Kalau kita misal melakukan hubungan seks tanpa kondom seminggu lalu, kemungkinan hasil tes HIV adalah non reaktif alias negatif, maka harus mengulang tes 3 hingga 5 bulan lagi dan cobalah untuk terus melakukan seks yang aman. Apabila setelah tes ke2 dalam 3 hingga 5 bulan kemudian tetap negatif dan teman2 selalu melakukan seks aman, maka artinya ya tidak ada virus HIV di dalam tubuh.
Kalau ingin tes yang langsung mengetahui jumlah virus juga ada, disebut viral load tes, tapi sangat mahal. Virus bisa langsung terdeteksi tanpa harus menunggu bulanan, walau baru terinfeksi.
Semoga penjelasan sederhana ini bisa dimengerti.
Untuk pernyataan bahwa hasil tes non reaktif bisa diobati adalah TIDAK JELAS. Jika memang non reaktif maka tidak ada virus dan tidak perlu diobati. Apabila dalam masa window period, maka perkembangan virus tidak dapat ditahan alias akan terus berkembang. Orang yang sudah terinfeksi HIV sudah dipastikan tidak bisa disembuhkan.
Apabila teman-teman ingin tahu lebih banyak, bisa mengunjungi situs http://spiritia.
Disana banyak sekali bahan bacaan yang telah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan teman-teman juga bisa bertanya banyak mengenai HIV dan atau AIDS.
Salam kepedulian
Heru Prakoso wrote:
Hi Pram, thank you penjelasannya. Cuma yang masih kurang jelas adalah pernyataan Size, kalau dinyatakan non reaktif itu artinya body kita kemungkinan pernah ada kontak dgn virus HIV dan sudah di counter dengan antibody.
Apakah memang demikian ? Karena sekarang kan semua test menyatakan "non reaktif", bukan seperti jaman dulu yang ditulis "negatif". Apa bisa bantu untuk meluruskan pernyataan Size ini ? Supaya orang-2 tidak tersesat dengan info yang salah. Thank you, bro.
Pram Lonely Dude wrote:
Buat Semua,
Saat ini hasil tes HIV akan tertulis reaktif dan non reaktif. Reaktif artinya positif, atau telah berhasil ditemukan antibody pada darah yang merupakan bentukan tubuh kita atas reaksi masuk dan berkembangnya virus HIV. Non reaktif artinya negatif, dimana tidak ditemukan antibody tadi.
Beberapa saat setelah tubuh manusia terinfeksi HIV, maka secara langsung tubuh membentuk antibody untuk menglawan visru tersebut. Jadi kalau disederhanakan menjadi seperti ini. Jika teman2 pernah main anal tanpa kondom kira-kira 2 minggu yang lalu dan sekarang di tes hasilnya negatif, ada kemungkinan ini adalah negatif masa jendela. Virus sudah ada dan antibody mulai terbentuk namun reagen belum bisa mendeteksi antibody. Biasanya antibody yang terbentuk akan mudah terdeteksi reagen tes setelah minggu ke 8. Jadi teman-teman diharap mengulang 3 bulan lagi.
Semoga bisa lebih jelas
Setuju dengan Pram, hasil dari tes HIV ditunjukan dengan "non reactive" atau "reactive". Saya sendiri sudah pernah tes HIV (2kali untuk kepastian ajah). Tes saya jalani dengan mengikuti program VCT dan menurut konselor saya pada waktu tes pertama tsb, hasil dari lab akan ditunjukan dengan "non reactive" atau "reactive" tidak lagi dengan positif atau negative. Tes kedua saya lakukan disebuah lab swasta terkenal dan yg memberikan konseling adalah seorang dokter dan hal yg sama juga dia katakan, "reactive" atau "non reactive"
Gw cuma mau sharing temuan gw di internet tentang test HIV...
Here are ten facts every person diagnosed as HIV-positive has a right to know (click on the underlined words for quick references)...
1. There is strong evidence that the HIV test you took is very often wrong. We have found over fifty different scientific studies listing seventy non-HIV conditions that can make the test produce false positive results. Depending on which test you took, they can actually be wrong as much as 90% of the time. So you might not be HIV-positive at all.
2. The HIV test you took was not a test for AIDS, or even a test for HIV. Despite what we've all been told, it was a simple test to find certain antibodies in your blood -- an "HIV-antibody" test. But viral antibodies alone do not indicate a current infection. In fact, in virtually every other antibody test, to be positive for the antibodies means that you had exposure to or a prior virus infection and are now immune from the disease that virus could cause. Antibody protection is the basis for the practice of vaccinations, like gaining immunity against the flu with a flu shot. There are no studies that show why we should think any differently about antibodies to HIV. A growing number of experts now believe that testing HIV-antibody-positive actually means that you have successfully created what your body needs to defeat any HIV infection.
3. The HIV test you took has never been "validated," as was normally done in the past. That means that there has never been a group of people who tested HIV-positive who were then proven to have active HIV (not just the antibodies) in their blood. Conversely, there has also never been a group who tested HIV-negative and were proven not to have active HIV in their blood. This lack of test validation raises serious questions about the validity of your positive diagnosis.
4. The proteins used in the HIV test kits have never been proven to be unique or specific for HIV. In fact, every one of the proteins used in the test has been found to be associated with conditions that have nothing to do with HIV -- and many of these proteins have nothing to do with illness of any kind. In other words, scientific evidence cannot prove that a positive HIV test means that you have HIV or AIDS or any other health problem.
5. No HIV test, whether it uses blood, urine or saliva, has ever been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the specific intended purpose of diagnosing infection with HIV.
In fact, there is a printed insert that comes in every HIV test kit which contains a disclaimer that the test cannot diagnose actual infection with HIV. Most doctors giving the test and most people taking the test never see these disclaimers
6. Nineteen samples of the same blood were sent to nineteen different laboratories for a Western Blot test, and they all came back with different results. 525 samples of the same blood of an ELISA-Positive test were sent to 525 different laboratories for a Western Blot confirmation, and came back with very different results. One blood sample was sent to the same lab 44 times and came back with different results. This means that your tests results could have been different if they had been done in a different laboratory.
7. There is no established standard for determining the results of your test. In fact, there are at least ten different ways to interpret your HIV test, and each one of those can give a different result. It often depends on where you live in the world, whose standards are used to interpret your test, and what information you give about your life and health history. You might be positive according to one set of standards, but negative using another. Some people have gone from being HIV-positive to being HIV-negative just by moving to a different location, or by changing laboratories or testing sites, or giving different information about their potential "risk factors."
8. Many people believe that HIV viral load tests do what antibody tests cannot, by detecting the actual virus. But this is a false belief. According to the disclaimer statements on viral load tests, they are "not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV or to confirm HIV infection." This is because the viral load tests have some of the same problems as the HIV blood tests: they have never been validated, the "probes" and "primers" they use have never been proven to be unique or specific to HIV, they are not standardized from laboratory to laboratory, they produce a high rate of false positives, and more. In fact, most laboratories will not allow you to take an HIV viral load test unless you have already tested HIV-positive, because people who are HIV-negative have had high HIV viral load results.
In addition, the most recent scientific study shows that viral load measurements failed in 90% of the cases in predicting the loss of CD4 cells, which HIV is supposed to destroy. In fact, viral load tests were only able to predict "progression to disease" in 4% to 6% of the HIV-Positives studied. This study proves that there must be "nonvirological mechanisms as the predominant cause of CD4 cell loss." In other words, HIV cannot be the cause of immune deficiency and therefore a viral load test is a totally useless indicator of whether someone will get AIDS. An analysis of this study in the same issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that viral load results alone should not be used to begin antiretroviral therapy (HAART).
9. A lot of emphasis is also placed on CD4 (or T-cell) counts to diagnose someone with AIDS. However, T-cell counts can fluctuate widely from day to day and hour to hour in even normal, healhy people. We've known since 1991 that "variance in CD4 from ...non-HIV related longitudinal fluctuations needs to be accounted for in analysis of the prognostic power of CD4 in HIV infection." And other studies have found perfectly healthy HIV-negative individuals with very low T-cell counts. And as recently as May 2007, from the Imperial College of London: "Our new interdisciplinary research has thrown serious doubt on one popular theory of how HIV affects these [CD4] cells."
10. And despite what you hear from the mass media, there is no scientific study that proves that HIV is transmitted through heterosexual intercourse. In fact, the opposite is true. The longest and largest study of its kind (called the Padian study) found no transmission of HIV in any of the study couples, regardless of whether they were using condoms or not; and the most recent study from the British Medical Journal found no evidence that abstinence would prevent HIV infection.
Even if the HIV tests were validated, approved for diagnosing actual HIV infection, and had a universal standard of interpretation, there is still no conclusive medical evidence that proves that testing positive is an indication that you are or will become sick. Despite everything you may have heard over the past twenty years, there is still no scientific study that proves that HIV causes AIDS or shows that it destroys the immune system. In fact, a review of the medical literature reveals that HIV fails every medical and scientific test to be called the cause of AIDS.
Because of these questions about the HIV tests, and HIV itself, you should carefully consider whether or not to take the drugs you will be pressured to take, called anti-retroviral drugs (or HAART). Recent scientific studies show that more people are dying from the side effects of these drugs than from illnesses associated with AIDS, and that the drugs being given today are even worse than the ones offered ten years ago.
These statements, and all the other information offered on this website, are not our opinions, but irrefutable facts. If you are told something different by your doctor or the mass media, we urge you to read the scientific studies for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
Although this information is rarely found in the mass media or in presentations by the AIDS establishment, it is supported by more than 2300 medical and scientific researchers, legal experts, doctors, chiropractors, PhD’s, journalists, health care providers, and other professionals – including two Nobel Prize winners in medicine and chemistry and members of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
From an email received July 14, 2007...
Just an update that confirms everything on your website. I had FOUR rapid tests done within a week, two were negative and two were positive. I had TWO Western Blots done. One showed I was reactive on every band but one (HIV+) and the other showed I was reactive on only one band (HIV-indeterminate). For tests that are supposed to be over 99% accurate they just proved they only have a 50% accuracy. In fact, I took two rapids at the exact same time and one was negative and one was positive. What a scam.
Before you start (or continue) taking HIV drug treatments, please educate yourself about the facts and come to your own conclusions about what may be best for your own life and health. You can start by using the links to the left to books, podcasts, videos, scientific papers, interviews, articles, blogs, websites, and support and discussion groups where you will find all the information you need to make up your own mind about how you will live with your positive diagnosis.
You need to know that there are thousands of people diagnosed HIV-positive who either stopped, or never started taking the HIV drugs and are living healthy and happy lives today, some of them for more than twenty years.
Is a healthy, happy life possible for you, too? It's up to you to decide. We invite you to explore the questions raised here by using the links on the left and hope that you will read, or listen to, and study what you find there. If you need additional information or help, please don’t hesitate to email us.
If you would like to give us your email address, we would be happy to keep you informed about any new scientific papers or articles that are published concerning the HIV test and the HIV drugs. (We do not give, sell, or in any other way divulge your email address to anyone else.)
We also invite you to email this website to friends, family, and even your doctor. We are available to answer any questions they may have or meet any challenges they may raise in the spirit of getting to the truth about HIV and AIDS.
Silahkan main2x ke site2x ini,,
Smoga berguna....
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